Its not only the number one rule in real estate its also a contested point when mounting a fuel pressure regulator. There are those who believe its best to place a fuel pressure regulator close to the fuels destination fuel rail fuel log carburetor diesel or direct injection pump while others feel its just fine to place it further away.
Chevrolet Silverado 1999 2006 How To Replace Fuel Pressure
Where is the fuel pressure regulator located. It is usually mounted on the fuel rail but can also be mounted on the fuel return hose. Sometimes at the opposite end of the vehicle. Image click to enlarge. The item on the fuel rail is actually the fuel damper. To locate the fuel regulator you must first find and follow the fuel rail in your engine and you can find it at the end before the fuel gets into the engine. The fuel pressure regulator is with the fuel pump which is in the fuel tank which cannot be accessed from under the back seat 3.
If there is negative pressure in the inlet when idling it lowers the fuel pressure. In a continuous fuel system the fuel pressure regulator is typically mounted in the fuel rail. A fuel pressure regulator is located at the end of the fuel rail and it connects to the injectors of the car. The fuel pressure regulator is controlled by engine vacuum. The fuel pressure regulator is controlled by a small vacuum hose leading to the inlet. A fuel pressure regulator is a part of your fuel system.
Check out the diagrams below. Please let us know if you need anything else to get the problem fixed. The fuel pressure regulator is at the top of the fuel pump combined with fuel filter mounted in fuel pump module in fuel tank.